i woke up because i heard him playing with the laptop. he loves the buttons! in fact he loves them so much he decided to eat one.
the "h" to be exact.
i didn't realize that he had taken it until later when i went to do my morning routine of checking email and my favorite blogs. at least hubby found a little piece of plastic that once held the letter button to the rest of the keyboard.

at least there's no H in love.
'appy valentine's day!
God's peace y'all.
Jadette swallowed a dime once. Had to get an x-ray, where they said it was a nickel. I said, um, no, I'm sure it was a dime. Nope, they tell me it's absolutely a nickel. They were worried because it took a month to pass, and they were afraid she'd need surgery, but out came a dime, like I said in the first place. Apparently the bank in her belly gives great interest.
'appy 'unting for the little surprise!
Happy Valentine's Day.
Remember, all things will pass... ;-)
'Appy Valentine's Day to you!
'appy Valentines's Day!
and crackerlilo beat me to it.
This too will pass.....
Sounds like my husband, with his Cockney accent.
'ello Love!
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