36 seems like such a grown-up age. i was 10 when my mom was 36 and for some reason 36 just sounds like the age a mom should be.

speaking of moms...
hubby woke me up on the way out to take the kiddies to school (i do all the prep work the night before and he lets me sleep-in.) i got out of bed, very lazily, got my morning tea (he had put the water in the microwave for me), did a quick check of my email, found out the secretary at work had left me a little present (homemade fudge) on my office chair, and found some clothes to wear after getting out of the shower.
took a nice hot shower, got dressed and said good-bye to hubby (who had just returned from dropping off the princess kitty and was on his way to work) and headed to my parent's house.
mom took me to a sweet little cafe for lunch... monte cristo and with perfectly grilled bread, a carmel flavored huge mug of coffee, and for desert... a carmel, chocolate pie of some sort that was so good i couldn't even finish it. oh, and fantastic macaroni salad recommended by the waitress who had added a birthday candle to the carmel chocolate desert.
now my mom is an amazing woman and i told her so as we were leaving the resturant.
you see, mom treats people differently than most people treat other people. as we sat at the table enjoying desert she mentioned that the waiter, at the counter, was named chris and was converting to judaism because he was getting married to a nice jewish girl. she had met him once before.
as we were leaving the resturant she stoped to chat with all the people who worked there. she was gushing with compliments and actual conversation... not the typical conversation one shares with people who are serving you.
"mom, you are an amazing woman."
look of confusion from mom "why's that?"
"do you think any other customer spoke to the people who worked here the way you just did?"
"life's too short and too important." was her excuse.
we ran some fun errands. mom and dad are redoing their kitchen and she wanted my opinion on which floor she should pick. really, she knew, she just wanted to be affirmed that it was worth the extra money to pick her favorite over her second choice. and she took me to buy bird food (mom and dad have a resturant for goldfinch and woodpeckers in their backyard) at a really cute store where i found funky earrings with buffalo carved out of this orange colored stone. buffalo are a power totem and mom added them to her bill. happy birthday to me.
yesterday she had done me a solid by watching the silent prince while hubby was home sick and i had two meetings out of town. so she took him to see gloria for a haircut. his first in-the-salon haircut and he looks too cute!
so we were driving around and talking about how cute he looked and how good he was for gloria and i decided i too needed a haircut so mom dropped me off at glorious hair to get a trim while she went to get groceries.
me to gloria while sitting down on the chair: "mom took me to lunch for my birthday and i was saying..."
gloria: "it's your birthday?" no pause for an answer "this is on me."
me: "oh gloria, you don't have to do that!"
gloria: "your mom's been too good to me. happy birthday."
later to my mom: "she wouldn't let me pay, she said you've been too good to her."
mom: "i've been good to her?"
and my hair looks great!
back home, after picking up the princess kitty and my fudge, hubby and the kids gave me a watch and beautiful flowers then we went to frankies gourmet fast food resturant(a step up from mcdonalds and really good, quick food) for dinner. then hubby went to pick up movies while i took the princess kitty to ballet.
afterwards i went to pick up another birthday present: 2 pints of adult ice cream one flavored with real bailey's irish cream and the other a chocolate raspberry... drool, drool, drool, from a friend.
and now i am home, waiting for the kids to both be asleep so that hubby and i can watch our movies and have some 36 year old adult, birthday time.
yup, it's been a good day.
happy birthday to me!
God's peace y'all!
Happy Birthday Cats! Pobble sent me! 36 was a good year for me!
Happy Birthday, again!
I'm so glad you had a wonderful day.... and the entire family sounds just ideal.
You are indeed blessed; and can I borrow mom for the weekend?
Well happy Birthday CATS!
What a great day!
Happy birthday, sweet Cats!
This was a wonderful post...and I love your Mom.
I know people like that....how blessed you are to have her for your mom.
Oh, wow, I'd say happy birthday, but you already had one! How wonderful for you. *hugs* I hope 36 is a terrific year for you. And I can see how you got to be as sweet as you are, reading about your mom.
Happy belated.
I was at a meeting last week with our bishop and the conference deans and one of them was turning 60 yesterday. Another, who turned 60 last year, says that 60 is the new 40.
I'm turning 40 later this year so I asked "If 60 is the new 40 then what's 40?" He said that the quack who used to do the psych evaluations on us when we were in seminary has said that adolescence seems to last until 35 these days.
So, cats, you've just finished your adolescence!
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