Friday, February 01, 2008

what kind of world do you want

i've now gotten this link for more than the tenth time in my email. i've also been alerted to it via a message board i frequent.

yes, five for fighting is donating $.49 to autism speaks for each time the video is viewed and that's great.. and you should all go clink on the link... really, because it's wonderful.

and yes, i appreciate all the people who have seen it and thought of me... but i already know about the video and have watched it several times. i think i saw it for the first time a year ago... when the band first created the site.

so please, no one has to forward it to me anymore... if you want to forward it... please do.. just to someone else. the band (according to the email) wants over 10,000 hits and i can't do it all myself.

God's peace y'all


LRNs said...

Urge to forward the link rising...maybe I can get a repeating email bot and open several accounts to send it. Hmmm...


2 Dollar Productions said...

Lots to catch up on:

That's great about the furnace as heat comes in handy in Jan/Feb, it's always fun to re-discover an old friend as I recently did something similar and I've never seen the link, but will head over there.

"and vivian followed."

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