for my birthday this year i am getting the pobble for a present! she arrives between 6 and 6:30 tonight (unless traffic is horrific) to spend the weekend with me. as we were im'ing about it she told me that she was going to be my present... and i am more than happy with that.
hubby's present for me arrived yesterday... a new hot pink cell phone and bluetooth earpiece with matching pink streak. his bluetooth was a christmas present and i've been jealous of him ever since.
tomorrow night my parents will take us all out for dinner at the chinese buffet. i really wanted mexican, but the kids won't eat mexican and besides... i can have mexican on saturday for my actual birthday since the pobble also said she would cook... and she can make mexican.
i will be 37 which is still young... but it's as old as i've ever been. last summer vacation my uncle made the comment that i was pushing 40. i gave him as hard a time of it as i possibly could and i am pretty certain that i embarrassed him... after all, if i am pushing 40 that makes him OLD.
this growing up thing still feels weird to me. how was it that i came to be pushing 40? i don't feel like i'm pushing 40... and is it possible to push 40 away?
in the meantime i have been growing my hair for locks of love. i've been saying that i was going to cut it by my birthday whether or not i had enough hair. after a while the ponytail gets boring and i yearn for the short cut which gives me no options on the question of how to wear my hair today. i might have 11 inches if i go very short... but hubby has been pretty adamant about wanting me to have long hair so i will probably go yet another month before doing any chopping.
now it is time to get back to work so i have lots of time to celebrate my birthday weekend!
God's peace y'all